日本財団 図書館


2. The provisions of Article 39 paragraph 1 subparagraph (4) shall apply accordingly to the case for the granting of permissions under the preceding paragraph.


3. When the aerodrome operator or the air navigation facility operator is decreased, the inheritor (in the case of two or more inheritors, and inheritor has to be decided from among the inheritors after consultations among themselves) shall succeed to the status of the bequeathor under the provisions of this Law.


4. The inheritor under the preceding paragraph shall, when he has succeeded to the status of the bequeathor under this Law, report to the Minister of Transport to that effect without any delay.


(Establishment or Administration of Aerodromes, etc. by the Minister of Transport)
Article 55-(2). The Minister of Transport shall, in the case of establishing aerodromes or installing air navigation facilities or effecting any alterations to the facilities thereof, comply with the standards under Article 39 paragraph 1 subparagraphs (1), (2) and (5).


2. The provisions of Article 38 paragraph 3, Article 39 paragraph 2, Article 40, Article 46, Article 47 paragraph 1, Article 49, Article 50, Article 51 paragraphs 2, 4 and 5, and Article 54-(2) paragraph 1 shall apply accordingly when the Minister of Transport establishes aerodromes or installs air navigation facilities, or effects alterations in the facilities thereof. However, the provisions of Article 39 paragraph 2 shall not apply accordingly when the aerodrome sites concerned have previously been provided lawfully for landing and taking off of aircraft and there have not been any structures, plants and any other objects protruding above the approach surfaces, transitional surfaces or horizontal surfaces of the aerodromes concerned.


(Establishment or Administration of the New Tokyo International Airport, etc.)
Article 55-(3). The New Tokyo International Airport Authority shall, in the case of establishing the New Tokyo International Airport or installing the air navigation facilities under the provisions of Article 20 paragraph 1 subparagraph 2 of the New Tokyo International Airport Law (Law No. 116, 1965), or effecting significant alterations as specified under Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport to the aerodrome or the air navigation facilities, prepare the construction enforcement plan in accordance with the master plan under Article 21 of the same Law as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, and shall obtain permission from the Minister of Transport. The same shall apply when the New Tokyo International Airport Authority will effect alterations thereto.





